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AI in the cultural sphere

AI in the cultural sphere
Updated: 09/06/24

Artificial Intelligence in the cultural field is not a new phenomenon. Many organizations are implementing AI in the form of a virtual assistant for guided tours, and AI is also helping to decipher ancient manuscripts and symbols. The experts we interviewed note the demand for AI in the cultural field:

Cache Merrill, Founder and CTO of Zibtek, notes the following:

“AI’s integration into the cultural sphere is not only in demand but increasingly essential as it offers innovative ways to preserve, interpret, and disseminate cultural heritage and experiences.

Demand for AI in Culture:
AI is increasingly sought after in the cultural sphere for various applications, from enhancing museum experiences with virtual guides and interactive displays to analyzing and preserving large datasets of historical documents. AI can personalize visitor experiences, making cultural education more accessible and engaging.

Technologies in Cultural Development:
Besides AI, Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) are pivotal in the cultural sector. These technologies provide immersive experiences that bring historical events or artifacts to life, offering new perspectives and deeper engagement with cultural content.

AI Trends in Culture:
One significant trend is the use of AI for digital preservation and restoration of artifacts. AI algorithms can predict deterioration and suggest preventive measures, or restore damaged artifacts digitally. Another trend is the use of machine learning to analyze and categorize vast archives of cultural materials, making them more accessible to researchers and the public.

AI’s role in cultural engagement is evolving rapidly, offering exciting possibilities for enhancing how we connect with and preserve our cultural heritage.”

Rajesh Namase, Co-Founder and Professional Tech Blogger at TechRT, adds: 

“Personalized suggestions, art, and music made by AI, and virtual heritage protection are all cultural AI trends. Recommendation systems look at what users like to find related content to show them, and AI works with artists to make new things. AI also digitizes cultural places and artifacts, which lets people explore from afar.

Tools for language translation and sentiment analysis make things easier for people all over the world to reach out and get involved with. Collaborative AI systems encourage creativity across fields.

These trends show how AI is changing the way people experience culture, how it breaks down language barriers, and how it encourages innovation in many areas.”

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