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Interview with Mick Hunt, Founder of Premier Strategy Box and Mick Unplugged

Interview with Mick Hunt, Founder of Premier Strategy Box and Mick Unplugged
Updated: 09/06/24



Mick Hunt — The founder of Premier Strategy Box and Mick Unplugged. As an AI Insurance Expert, he is a focus on the evolving landscape of Artificial Intelligence and its implications for the insurance industry. His work involves helping businesses navigate the complexities of AI, ensuring they are adequately covered for the unique risks this technology presents. Les Brown, a motivational speaker and author, his mentor, inspiring Mick approach to business and personal growth.

Hello Mick! We are happy to offer you an opportunity like an interview to tell a wider audience more about you and your experience. You have an impressive background, and first, our readers and I would like to know more about how you started your career and got into this field?

When I was ten years old, I made a vow amid despair to change my family’s life and build a legacy. This marked the end of my childhood and the beginning of a relentless journey toward fulfillment and change. I began my career in the insurance industry and, in just three years, I grew my agency to $3.2 million in revenue organically. Without relying on fancy technology, I used smart strategies to streamline sales and align teams. Later, I applied the same playbook to a major MGA, boosting its revenue from $50 million to $70 million. My journey is rooted in my relentless drive to inspire and empower others. As the founder of Premier Strategy Box, I help businesses achieve sustainable, organic growth. My expertise extends beyond sales and leadership. I am a thought leader in cybersecurity and insurance, addressing critical issues like AI coverage under cyber liability policies, protecting businesses from AI threats, and the top questions to ask vendors about their AI usage and its impact on business.

What trends can you identify in the field of AI?

AI is becoming increasingly integrated into various industries, from healthcare to finance to entertainment. One significant trend is the rise of AI-driven automation, which is streamlining processes and increasing efficiency. Additionally, there’s a growing focus on ethical AI and ensuring that these technologies are developed and used responsibly. Protecting intellectual property (IP) is also becoming crucial as technology evolves, and methods of IP theft become more sophisticated.

How are AI and cybersecurity related? What threats do you think AI poses?

AI and cybersecurity are closely linked, as AI can both enhance and threaten security measures. On one hand, AI can help detect and respond to cyber threats more quickly and accurately. On the other hand, malicious actors can use AI to develop more sophisticated attacks. The biggest threat AI poses is its potential misuse, which underscores the importance of robust security protocols and ethical guidelines. Statements from high-profile tech leaders, suggesting it’s acceptable to use open web content freely, highlight the need to protect IP and address the legal and ethical implications of such practices.

Do you fear anything related to AI? How can you avoid these fears?

My main concern with AI is the potential for misuse and the ethical implications of its widespread adoption. To mitigate these fears, it’s essential to prioritize transparency, accountability, and ethical considerations in AI development. By fostering open dialogue and collaboration among stakeholders, we can navigate these challenges responsibly. Additionally, protecting IP through legal means and insurance solutions helps safeguard innovations against theft and misuse.

Do you use AI in your daily life?

Yes, I use AI tools regularly in my work and personal life. From voice assistants and smart home devices to advanced analytics and content creation tools, AI helps streamline my tasks and improve productivity.

Now tell us a little bit about your business. How did you come up with the idea to create it?

Premier Strategy Box was born out of my desire to help businesses navigate the complex landscape of modern technology and strategy. I saw a need for a comprehensive approach that combines strategic planning, cutting-edge technology, and effective communication. Mick Unplugged, on the other hand, emerged from my passion for storytelling and highlighting inspiring business journeys.

What difficulties did you encounter in the process?

One of the biggest challenges was educating clients about the potential risks and benefits of AI. Many businesses were initially hesitant to adopt AI due to concerns about data privacy and security. Additionally, finding the right talent to build a team that understands both AI and insurance was another significant hurdle.

How did you deal with these difficulties?

To overcome these challenges, I focused on continuous education and building strong relationships with clients. By demonstrating the tangible benefits of AI and addressing their concerns, I was able to gain their trust. Additionally, investing in ongoing training and professional development for my team ensured we stayed ahead of industry trends and technological advancements.

What is the corporate culture in your company? How did you choose it?

Our corporate culture is centered around innovation, collaboration, and integrity. I chose this culture because it fosters a supportive environment where creativity and accountability thrive. Open communication and a commitment to excellence are key pillars that drive our success.

If not AI, what other field would you choose to develop your career in?

If I weren’t in the field of AI, I would likely focus on sustainable business practices and environmental technology. I’m passionate about finding ways to make businesses more eco-friendly and sustainable, which is becoming increasingly important in today’s world.

An example of a leader you would like to be like?

Les Brown, my mentor, is a leader I greatly admire. His ability to inspire and motivate others through his words and actions has had a profound impact on my life and career. I strive to embody his passion, resilience, and commitment to helping others achieve their full potential.

What is your favorite quote?

One of my favorite quotes is from Steve Jobs: “The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.” This quote resonates with me because it embodies the spirit of innovation and the power of believing in one’s vision.


Thank you for answering the questions!


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